Patient Center
What to Expect - Colonoscopy

What to Expect - Endoscopy
If you take your diabetic medications and are taking only a clear liquid diet, you must consume liquids with calories. For clear liquid, please drink regular soda, not diet. Please use regular Jell-O, not sugar free. Please use fruit juices that are pulp free, to get more calories. Test your blood glucose often during your pre-proceudre preparation. Do NOT take your daibetic medication the day of your procedure.
You may still have foods from "Clear Liquid Diet" list you recieved in the office even after you finished bowel cleansing prep. But it is very important to have nothing to eat or drink within 2 hours before your scheduled appointment.
NO. These items are not permitted 4 hours prior to a sedated procedure. These items have the ability to increase saliva and gastric secretions. Serious medical complications are associated with patients who do not have an empty stomach. Using these items will cause a delay or cancellation of your procedure.
We use a drug called Propofol. This drug is a short-acting, IV anesthetic. This drug has very few side effects. Propofol has anti-nausea properties, so there is a very low incidence of nausea compared to other agents. This drug is commonly used for short procedures because of its ability to produce loss of awareness and has a shorter recovery period.
In most cases, yes. All of our doctors are trained in the latest endoscopic techniques. Most polyps can be removed at the time of the procedure.
Endoscopic examinations such as colonoscopy and gastroscopy require sedation. The sedation is to promote comfort to the patient, but will make the patient groggy for several hours and slow reflexes for up to 16 hours. This is why you cannot drive your car or perform activities that require quick reflexes until the following morning. It is necessary for you to come with a friend or family member who can safely drive you home after your test is over.